Meet a Buddy: Ashley Arechiga
January 20, 2016
We caught up with animator/director/writer/all-around-good-time Ashley Arechiga in our most recent edition of “Meet a Buddy,” and the interview was eye-opening! Ashley is as beloved in this studio as anything can be beloved anywhere, so we were thrilled that she took a minute out of her busy schedule to answer some of our notoriously hard-hitting questions:
SBS: What do you do here?
AA: [laughs] I make things…and then move them…
SBS: Who cares?
AA: Da bosses.
SBS: Do you ever get sad?
AA: Uuuh…no.
SBS: Any advice for aspiring physical therapists?
AA: Find animators, they’ll be the most recurring clientele. You’ll never break those knots. Calcified to steel…
SBS: Which “Sex and the City” lady are you, and why?
AA: Don’t watch it. Never seen it.
SBS: If you had to guess?
AA: Nope.
SBS: Okay…
AA: You could ask me which Ninja Turtle I am…
SBS: Okay, which Ninja Turtle are you?
AA: Leonardo.
SBS: Do you think it’s because…he loves shoes?
AA: No, it’s cuz my favorite color is blue.
SBS: What’s the last dream you can remember?
AA: Hiding under a ‘bago from a T-Rex during “Dino Office.”
SBS: What’s the most expensive thing in your house and where do you keep it?
AA: Oh, we have taco bell in the fridge…er…our cats. Cats. Our cats swallowed up more money than anything we own.
SBS: And where do you keep them?
AA: In our house. In boxes, usually. THEY LOVE THEM!